Reclining Hero Pose (Supta Virasana)

Woman practicing the yoga pose Reclining Hero Pose (Supta Virasana


Supta Virasana


Reclining Hero Pose

Yoga Pose Type


Health Benefits

Improves: Asthma, back pain, stress, anxiety, sciatica, gout, flat feet, bad posture
Revitalizes: Digestive system, blood circulation, rib cage, respiratory system
Stretches: Quadriceps, thighs, ankles, groins, hip extensors, spine, chest
Strengthens: Core

Psychological Benefits

What I Like About This Pose

What I like about this pose is that it corrects the alignment of the spine which is in a constant forward bend in modern lifestyle. This pose stretches the spine thoroughly. I recommend practicing the Reclining Hero Pose to warm up your body and prepare for your class.

Reclining Hero Pose Step-By-Step


Exhale: When reclining to the back.
Inhale: When coming back into the beginning position.

Tip’s For Beginners

It takes some time until you are able to put your upper body on your yoga mat. So use a support below your upper body. I recommend placing a bolster vertically and keep a hand-width distance from your sacrum. When you recline to the back, put your upper body on the bolster.
Another important point is to push your sacrum to the front in order to protect the lumbar spine. By doing so, you prevent an extensive backward tilt of your lumbar spine.


Bolster, blocks

Sit in Virasana. 

Feet: Place your feet perpendicular to your back. Stretch your big toes..
Buttocks: Place it between your thighs.

Hold your ankles. Exhale, gradually  recline to the back.
Place your forearms on the floor. 

Head: Look to the ceiling.
Sternum: Lift it up.

Put your whole upper body on the floor or on your support.
Woman practicing reclining hero pose (supta virasana) with arrows to explain the alignment.
Push your sacrum forward. Roll you thighs out. You can also stretch your arms.

Thighs: Roll them out.
Knees: Don’t force them to the floor. Keep them in their natural position.
Sacrum: Push it to the front.

Place your hands to the side of your upper body or cross your arms above your head.

Change the cross of your arms. Hold the position for 30 seconds. Then come back into the starting position.

Contraindications Of Reclining Hero Pose (Supta Virasana)

Avoid this pose if you have following issues.

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