Boat Pose 1 (Navasana Ⅰ)

Yoga Pose Type
Health Benefits
Improves: Incontinence, diabetes
Revitalizes: Internal organs, reproductive system
Strengthens: Quadriceps, core, pelvic floor muscles, gluteus maximus, hip extensors
Psychological Benefits
What I Like About This Pose
One of the best poses for strengthening your core is Navasana. Because it’s quite simple to learn! If you’re a beginner, this pose is ideal for strengthening your core.
Boat Pose 1 (Navasana Ⅰ) Step-By-Step
Exhale: When shifting your weight to the back.
Inhale: When you come back into Dandasana.
Tip’s For Beginners
You may find it difficult to lift your legs. So try using the belt to hold the pose. Make a large loop in the belt. When you’re balancing, go through the belt, placing the back just below the shoulder blades and the front on the middle of your feet. This will help you maintain your posture.

Spine: Keep it straight.
Shoulders: Roll them back.
Chin: Tuck it in.

Keep the pose for 20 seconds, inhale and come back into Dandasana.
Arms: Stretch to the front with palms facing each other.
Legs: Keep them together and straighten them.
Sitting bones: Balance your weight there.
Note: If you have any back problems, bend your legs first.
Slowly raise and straighten your legs while shifting your weight back.

Avoid this pose if you have following issues.