Warrior Pose 3 (Virabhadrasa Ⅲ)

Yoga Pose Type
Health Benefits
Improves: Concentration, balance
Strengthens: Legs, arms, hip, shoulders, back
Psychological Benefits
What I Like About This Pose
What I love about this pose is that it strengthens your back and legs at the same time. It also improves your balance.
Warrior Pose 3 (Virabhadrasa Ⅲ) Step-By-Step
Inhale: When raising your arms.
Exhale: When you turn your upper body to the front. And when you bend forward.
Tip’s For Beginners
The Warrior 3 Pose requires strong sense of balance and strong back muscles. In the beginning, try this pose with your hands on blocks, or back foot on the wall. Try to focus on your left hip to keep the pelvis parallel to the floor throughout the movement.
Wall, blocks
Chin: Tuck it in.
Shoulders: Roll them back and pull them down.
Sternum: Lift it up.
Tailbone: Tuck it in.

Turn your right foot 90 degrees and your left foot about 70 degrees.
Arms: Put them behind your ears.
Left foot: Push your outer heel into the floor.

Legs: Keep them still. They should not move.
Hips: Keep them parallel to the front.
Exhale, bend forward and place your upper body on your right thigh.
Slowly lift your left leg and stretch your right leg. Hold the pose for 30 seconds.
Arms: Stretch them out and keep them parallel to the floor.
Head: Look forward.
Pelvis: Keep it parallel to the floor.
Left leg: Keep it parallel to the floor with toes pointing downwards.
Repeat the pose on the other side.
Avoid this pose if you have following issues.