Mountain Pose (Tadasana)

Yoga Pose Type
Health Benefits
Improves: Concentration, herniated discs, stress, scoliosis, kyphosis
Strengthen: Legs, core, concentration
Psychological Benefits
What I Like About This Pose
What I love about the Mountain Pose is that you can do it wherever you are. You can be in your office or waiting for the train and do this pose. You don’t even need a mat.
Mountain Pose (Tadasana) Step-By-Step
Breath naturally while practicing this pose.
Tip’s For Beginners
Tadasana is suitable for all levels. This is a great pose to understand the basic movement of your body parts and muscles.
Stand on your yoga mat with your legs together. Keep the pose for 30 seconds.

Chin: Tuck it in.
Neck: Keep it soft.
Shoulders: Roll them back and pull them down.
Sternum: Lift it up.
Tailbone: Tuck it in.
Knees: Pull them up.
Avoid this pose if you have following issues.