Bound Angle Pose (Baddha Konasana)

Yoga Pose Type
Health Benefits
Improves: Concentration, stress, menstrual pain, back pain, sciatica
Revitalizes: Urinary system, kidneys
Stretches: Groins, knees, pelvic floor muscles, hip flexors, spine
Psychological Benefits
What I Like About This Pose
What I like about this pose is that it is so easy to do, yet it is a powerful pose in stretching the groins. Whenever I feel that my hip area is stiff, I practice the Bound Angle Pose to relieve stiffness.
Bound Angle Pose Step-By-Step
Breath naturally throughout the practice.
Tip’s For Beginners
Don’t worry, if your heels don’t touch the perineum in the Bound Angle Pose. It took me several months until the heels touched my perineum. The most important point in this pose is to keep your spine straight. Additionally, to protect your knees, maintain their natural position. Don’t force them down because your knees might sustain injuries in that case.
Chin: Tuck it in.
Neck: Keep it soft.
Sternum: Lift it up.
Spine: Keep it straight.

Thighs: Roll them out.
Feet: The outer edge of your heels should touch each other,
while the inner heels should be separated.
Sitting bones: Ground them. Do not lift them.

Shoulders: Roll them back and pull them down.
Arms: Push them towards the yoga mat to lift your spine.
Hands: Cup your hands. Fingertips point forward.
Avoid the Bound Angle Pose if you have following issues.