Standing Forward Bend (Uttanasana)

Yoga Pose Type
Health Benefits
Improves: Stress, Sciatica, back pain, insomnia, depression
Revitalizes: Metabolism, blood circulation, immune system
Stretches: Hamstrings, back, calves, gluteus maximus
Strengthens: Knee, abs
Psychological Benefits
What I Like About This Pose
This pose is my go-to when I feel irritated, as it instantly soothes me.
It stretches the hamstrings as well, which tend to get stiff from sitting on the chair for a long time.
And it’s easy to learn!
Standing Forward Bend (Uttanasana) Step-By-Step
Exhale: When bending forward.
Inhale: When coming out of the pose.
Tip’s For Beginners
The most important thing in Uttanasana is to keep your spine straight. There is no need to worry if you cannot straighten your legs in the beginning so keep practicing Uttanasana with bent legs. This might take some time. In my case it took several months. If you cannot reach the floor with your hands, put yoga blocks under your palms.

Make sure that your spine is straight.
Chin: Tuck it in and keep your neck soft.
Shoulders: Roll them out and pull them out.
Sternum: Lift your sternum up.
Arms: Stretch them down.
Hand: Spread your fingers out.
Tailbone: Tuck it in.
Hug your thighs with both arms and make sure your upper body rests straight on your thighs.
Exhalation: while bending forward.

Grab your ankles first and gradually lower your palms.
Rest your forehead on your knees. Stay there for several breaths and come out of the pose.
Spine: Keep it straight.
Tailbone: Lift it up.
Neck: Keep it soft.
Inhalation: While coming up.
Avoid this pose if you have following issues.