Seated Forward Bend (Paschimottasana)

Woman practicing Seated Forward Bend (Paschimottasana)




Seated Forward Bend

Yoga Pose Type


Health Benefits

Improves: Diabetes, high blood pressure, stress,
anxiety, insomnia, menstrual syndrome
Revitalizes: Digestive system, reproductive system, internal organs
Stretches: Hamstrings, calves, gluteus maximus,
back muscles, back, pelvis, spine
Strengthens: Core, quadriceps

Psychological Benefits

What I Like About This Pose

Because it helps you relax, I adore the Seated Forward Bend. Try this stance if you’re feeling worn out.

Seated Forward Bend (Paschimottasana) Step-By-Step


Inhale: When raising your arms.
Exhale: When bending forward.

Tip’s For Beginners

The most important thing in Paschimottasana is to keep your spine straight. In the beginning, you might feel it quite challenging to bend forward with straight legs. So, try this pose with bent legs. You will continue to get the rewards of spinal stretching.

Never mind if you cannot make your legs straight. Hug your thighs and make your spine straight.


Sit in Dandasana.

Chin: Tuck it in.
Shoulders: Roll back and down.
Legs: Put them together.
Toes: Point them to the ceiling.

Inhale, raise your arms.
Exhale, bend forward and grab the outer side of your foot with your hand.
Seated Forward Bend (Paschimottasana) with arrows to explain joint movement.
Roll your shoulders out. Flatten your back of the knees to the ground.

Keep the pose for 30 seconds. Inhale and come back into Dandasana.

Forehead: Put it on your thighs.
Arms: Keep them straight and wide.
Shoulder blades: Make them wide.
Thighs: Push them down.
Toes: Point them towards you.


Avoid this pose if you have following issues.

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