Extended Triangle Pose (Utthita Trikonasana)

Yoga Pose Type
Health Benefits
Revitalizes: Blood circulation
Improves: Respiration, stiff neck and shoulders, stress,
bone density, infertility, menopause
Stretches: Thighs, knee, hips, groins, hamstrings, back, ankles
Strengthens: Thighs
Psychological Benefits
What I Like About This Pose
If you suffer from neck, shoulder and back pain due to prolonged desk work, you might want to try Trikonasana. This yoga pose is one of my favorites, as it instantly relieves the tension and stiffness from sitting in front of the computer for hours.
Extended Triangle (Utthita Trikonasana) Pose Step-By-Step
Exhale: When tilting your body to the floor.
Inhale: When you come up.
Tip’s For Beginners
Do not get desperate if you can’t get your palms on the floor! This is normal for beginners unless you are very flexible. Try to grab your shinbone or ankles first. If you have a yoga block, you can put your right hand on the block. The most important thing is that your whole body is parallel to the front and your spine is elongated.

Breath normally.
Alignment: Make sure that your second toe of the right leg is in one line with your knee. This will prevent any injuries to your knee. Also keep a micro-bend on your right leg to protect your knee joints.
Imagine a line going through the arch of the left foot and place your right foot on this line.
Sternum: Lift up.
Shoulders: Roll out and pull down.
Tailbone: Tuck it in.

This creates more stability in this pose.
Reach the floor with the palms of your right hand. Look to the front.
Left hand: Stretch it out straight to the ceiling.
Head: Turn to the ceiling.
Right knee cap: Pull it up.
Left foot: Press the outer heel into the floor.
Exhalation: When tilting your body.
To come out of the pose, inhale and lift your upper body up.
Avoid this pose if you have following issues.