Warrior Pose 2 (Virabhadrasana Ⅱ)

Yoga Pose Type
Health Benefits
Revitalizes: Rib cage
Improves: Internal organs, back pain
Stretches: Hamstrings, hips, knees, ankles
Strengthens: Legs
Psychological Benefits
What I Like About This Pose
What I love about Virabhadrasana Ⅱ is that it opens up the groin, releasing the tension in that area. Recently, I recently read in Yoga as Medicine (2007)1 that too much tension in the groin can lead to migraines and headaches.
Besides that, practicing this pose could be beneficial for relieving stiffness. It was also a great pose for strengthening my postpartum back.
In our modern lifestyle, there are not many opportunities to use our legs. We do not pay as much attention to the lower part of our bodies because of the hours we spend sitting, our reliance on cars and so on. While technological advances have made our lives more comfortable, we are less aware of your legs. This pose not only strengthens your hips and legs but also brings your attention back to this important part of our body.
Warrior Pose 2 Step-By-Step
Exhale: As you bend your leg
Inhale: As you return to Tadasana
Tip’s For Beginners
There is a tendency in this pose to put more weight on the bent leg and forget about the left leg. But the weight has to be distributed 50:50 between the right leg and the front leg, so keep that in mind.

Another way to get into the pose is to jump and spread your leg.
Arms: Spread your arms out to the side
so that your arms are parallel to the floor.
Knee: The knee and second toe of your right leg must be in one line
to maintain stability in the knee joint.

Chin: Tuck your chin in.
Neck: Keep it soft.
Shoulder: Pull them down.
Sternum: Pull it up to open up your chest.
Tailbone: Tuck it in.
Right leg: Form a 90 degree angle with your thigh and calf.
Left leg: Keep it straight.
Left foot: Press the outer heel into the mat.
Exhalation: As you bend your leg.
Inhalation: As you return.
Avoid this pose if you have following issues.
- McCall, T. B. (2007). Yoga as Medicine: The Yogic Prescription for Health and Healing. Bantam Press ↩︎