Warrior Pose 1 (Virabhadrasana Ⅰ)




Warrior Pose 1

Yoga Pose Type



Health Benefits

Revitalises: Reproductive system, digestive system, rib cage
Improves: Asthma, Insomnia
Stretches: Hamstrings, pelvis, quadriceps, gluteus maximus

Psychological Benefits

What I Like About This Pose

The best part of this pose is that it stretches your upper back and back legs. So, after spending too much time in a chair, I practice this pose to loosen up my stiff back and shoulders.

Warrior Pose 1 Step-By-Step


Inhale: When raising up your hands

Exhale: As you turn your hips to the right, when you bend the leg.

Tip’s For Beginners

The bent leg should form a 90 degree angle, but this is quite difficult at first, so don’t be disappointed if you can’t form the angle. And don’t forget your back foot. Press the outer edge of the back foot firmly into the mat to stabilise the posture


Stand in Tadasana on your mat. Place your legs about 1.2m apart with toes pointing forward.

Another version to come into the pose is to jump and spread the legs apart.

Stretch your arms towards the ceiling. Turn your right foot 90 degrees to the right and turn your left foot slightly to the right.

Arms: Palms facing each other. Take your arms back to your ear.
Chin: Tuck your chin in but keep your neck soft.
Hips: Turn to the front so that your hips are parallel to the front.
Knee: Pull your kneecaps up for more stability.
Inhale: As you raise your arms.

Turn your hips to the front and bend your right leg to form a right angle with your thigh and your calf.
woman practicing warror 1 pose
Tuck your dorsal spine in to open your chest. Form a 90 degree angel with you front leg.

If the angle is less than 90 degrees, the knee will have to carry too much weight and this can lead to injury, so it is very important to maintain this angle. Hold the pose for 20-30 seconds.
Shoulder blades: Pull your shoulder blades down.
Sternum: Pull it up.
Tailbone: Tuck your tailbone in.
Left foot: Press the outer edge into the mat.
Exhale: As you turn your hips to the right and when you bend the leg.

Come back into the pose into Tadasana.

Lower your arms, straighten your legs, rotate your hips left and return to Tadasana.
Inhalation: When you step back to Tadasana. Repeat Virabhadasana Ⅰ on the other side.


Avoid this pose if you have following issues.

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