Downward-Facing Hero Pose (Adho Mukha Virasana)

adho mukha virasana (downward-facing hero pose) yoga asana


Adho Mukha Virasana


Downward-Facing Hero Pose

Yoga Pose Type

Forward bend


Health Benefits

The Downward-Facing Hero Pose stretches the entire back and shoulders and activates the spine. This pose also helps to open the pelvis. When you feel heavy in the stomach after overeating, this pose can lighten it. It also has a calming effect and helps to calm the mind when you feel stressed.

Psychological Benefits

What I Like About This Pose

I often do this pose when I have a stiff back and shoulders from working at my desk.

Downward-Facing Hero Pose Step-By-Step


Inhale: when raising the arms.

Exhale: as you fold your upper body forward.

Tip’s For Beginners

It is very important in this pose to rotate the upper arms outwards and pull the shoulders (shoulder blades) backwards. And be sure to press the hips downwards as well. If this procedure is not followed, the back will not be fully stretched and the effect of the pose will be halved.

Sit upright on a yoga mat.

Then straighten your back. Slightly open the knees and position yourself so that the thumbs of the feet are attached to each other and the buttocks touch the floor.

Extend your arms straight up towards the ceiling.
preparation Adho Mukha Virasana (Downward-Facing Hero Pose)
Inhale and raise arms up to stretch your spine.

Interlace your fingers, turn your palms outwards and stretch your arms towards the ceiling while inhaling.

Shoulders: pull downwards.
Chin: chin pulled back.

Tilt the upper body forward.
Adho Mukha Virasana (Downward-Facing Hero Pose) final position
Roll upper arms out. Push thighs towards your hips.

Uncross your fingers, exhale and place both arms on the floor.

Hands: walk fingers forward, open hands and place palms on the mat.
Arms: stretch as far as you can. Rotate the upper arm from the inside to the outside.
Shoulders: pull back.
Buttocks: press the buttocks downwards while also pressing the tailbone downwards.
Hold the pose for 30 seconds to 1 minute.


Avoid this pose if you have following issues.

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